American Airlines, Bose, Marriott & Pepsi Speak Live From Cannes
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American Airlines, Bose, Marriott & Pepsi Speak Live From Cannes

In June, over 1000 of the world’s advertising industry hit the Captify at Cannes Pool Party & BBQ for a day of networking, partying and engaging in live content.

For the first time, Captify partnered with Brand Innovators to bring a live content stage to the heart of the villa. Over 60 global brands and agencies, from American Airlines, Bose, Forbes, Marriott, MediaCom to PepsiCo, took to the stage to engage in lively debates and discuss industry hot topics.

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‘What’s on the Mind of American Airlines’ Marketing Team?’ Fireside Chat

‘What’s on the Mind of Tivity’s Marketing Team?’ Fireside Chat

‘What’s on the Mind of AARP’s Marketing Team?’ Fireside Chat

‘The Integrated Media Strategy of the Future’ Fireside Chat with Bose & MediaCom

‘Power Hour: The Business of Media’ with Captify & Forbes

‘No Holding Back: A C-suite Discussion about the State of Programmatic’ Panel with Captify, Beeswax, MightHive & The Programmatic Advisory

‘Youth Marketing: Building Relationships with Millennials & Gen Z’  Roundtable with Dentsu Aegis Network, Edelman, Marriott International, RPA and The Tombras Group

‘Building the Marketing Org of the Future’ Roundtable with AB InBev, Dentsu Aegis Network, Hearts & Science,, PepsiCo & The Hershey Company

‘What’s on the Mind of Verizon’s Marketing Team?’ Fireside Chat

Discover the full line-up of Captify at Cannes Content Sessions here.

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