ExchangeWire: Captify’s COO, Fiona Davis—Putting Consumer Privacy First is Good Business for Brands
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ExchangeWire: Captify’s COO, Fiona Davis—Putting Consumer Privacy First is Good Business for Brands

Extracted from ExchangeWire, author Mathew Broughton

In this exclusive interview with ExchangeWire ahead of ATS London 2021, Fiona Davis, COO, Captify, details how a search-powered contextual approach can promote a better experience for the consumer in the privacy-first landscape.

How has the impending elimination of the third-party cookie revitalised the contextual advertising landscape and what new innovations has it led to?

For years when we’ve considered the role of contextual in advertisers’ strategies, we’d think about a brand safety tactic that eliminates risk from campaigns, not a driver of performance. Now, as we say goodbye to the cookie, we are witnessing innovations in data and tech powering a complete transformation of the contextual ecosystem and what it is capable of, so much so that performance is better than cookie-based products.

Next-gen contextual providers are looking beyond page content at other types of signals to gain a deeper understanding of audience intent, which helps to more accurately predict what pages audiences are most likely to consume and topics audiences are likely to be interested in. For example, search, e-commerce or purchase data, give a much more nuanced view of not just the page someone is on, but what they did before and after.

These latest advancements are also built to be future-proofed for a world that doesn’t support identity-based activations. By using intent instead, advertisers actually achieve a much greater level of relevance, as the same person may display different intent depending on context and other signals not captured by identity.

Want to find out more? Read the full article on ExchangeWire.

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