Advanced Television: Disney+ Dominating Netflix’s Share Of Search Volume By 3X
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Advanced Television: Disney+ Dominating Netflix’s Share Of Search Volume By 3X

Apple has confirmed the official launch of its new streaming service, Apple TV+, on November 1st at just $4.99 a month, undercutting the price of competitors.

When analysing streaming searches and the attributes that mean the most to consumers, data from search intelligence company Captify reveals that Apple TV+ is the only streaming service where share of search volume (%) for price exceeds content.

Competitors Netflix, Amazon & Disney have all established themselves as serious content creators with a huge back catalogue of content. With slim content offerings in comparison, Apple are trying to attract subscribers with a bargain price and even offering a free yearly subscription when buying an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Mac. It’s evident that consumer trust/brand loyalty in Apple remains high, as people search for price as a first line inquiry into the service.

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