The Q4 Planner’s Playbook: Have The Know To Wow
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The Q4 Planner’s Playbook: Have The Know To Wow

Are your video campaign ideas BIG enough to stand out?

We’re all familiar with the big festive moments, the last-minute gifters and the super splurgers, but have you thought about the aspirational lux lovers, retro tribes or time-chasers?

Download this Planner’s Playbook to:

  • Get a fresh perspective – on the unexpected audiences and search trends shaking up consumer behaviour in Q4, unlocked through real-time dynamic search data.
  • Inspire and ignite – consumer led video planning for the upcoming quarter and beyond.
  • Drive innovation and maximum consumer engagement – through Captify’s Search Powered Conversational Ads.
  • Discover how search is put to work through video – in an award-winning global case study for Bose.

For more information, please contact

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